Exciting news in our efforts to seek further protection for the San Gabriel Mountains: U.S. Rep. Steve Knight (R-Palmdale) introduced HR 3153 – The Saint Francis Dam Disaster National Memorial and Castaic Wilderness Act.

The bill proposes establishing a national monument honoring the victims of the 1928 Saint Francis Dam disaster and designating 69,812 acres in the Angeles National Forest as the Castaic Wilderness.

Our Chair Belinda Faustino offered these comments in support of the bill: “These rugged lands include diverse scenery and plant life, from the dramatic brick-red outcrop of Redrock Mountain, to perennially flowing creeks, from towering Big Cone Douglas Fir, to chaparral-draped hills. These natural features, along with the rich cultural history of Saint Francis Dam, have catalyzed the support of local community members, organizations and businesses for these designations.”

More info: Our press release.

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